
Getting started with unit testing in R

Automating the dev work you are probably already doing

Estimating correlations adjusted for group membership

A linear mixed model approach with applied examples in a Palmer penguins Simpson's paradox and TidyTuesday Spotify songs

Curating for @WeAreRLadies on Twitter

From creating content to cultivating connections.

A tidyverse pivot approach to data preparation in R

Going from wide to long with #TidyTuesday beach volleyball

Polished summary tables in R with gtsummary

Also plays well with labelled data

Custom interactive sunbursts with ggplot in R

geom_rect() + geom_coord() + {ggiraph}

Deploy previews with Netlifly

Collaborative {distill} website workflows

R-Ladies styled code gifs with xaringan and flipbookr

The code behind my @WeAreRLadies curating week

GGanimating a geographic introduction

A gif for social media

From gmailr to the Google Books API

A parenting project to catalog my childrens' 2020 library history

Leveraging labelled data in R

Embracing SPSS, SAS, and Stata data sets with the haven, labelled, and sjlabelled packages

Your first R package in 1 hour

Tools that make R package development easy

Exporting editable ggplot graphics to PowerPoint with officer and purrr

What, why, how, when, and who

Introducing RStudio and R Markdown

Gettin' giffy wit it.

A job interview presentation inspired by the R community

How #tidytuesday and twitter helped me secure a job offer

Stringr 4 ways

Four approaches to feature engineering with regular expressions in R

Welcome to Piping Hot Data

What's in a name?

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